Replacement identification
Womanspace provides support to women who need identification for themselves or their child such as a Birth Certificate, Alberta ID Card, or Driver’s License, covering the cost of one piece of identification per client.
Our ID services are currently by appointment only. Please leave a message at 403-329-8338 or email womanspace.lethbridge@gmail.com and one of our volunteers will get back to you as soon as possible.
Clients will be provided with a verification letter which can be redeemed at Astro Insurance & Registry (100-542 7th St. S, Lethbridge).
Please note:
To obtain a copy of your birth certificate you will need to show photo ID. If you do not have ID you can bring someone who has a valid photo ID that has personally known you for one year or longer to vouch for you. Birth Certificates can only be ordered for individuals born in Alberta.
To renew an Alberta picture identification that has been expired for more than six months, you will need to show your birth certificate as well as a piece of mail showing your current Alberta address, dated within the last 90 days. If your photo identification has not expired you can provide 4 pieces of mail, or another government-issued ID with a piece of mail.
Other forms of replacement Identification can be obtained free of charge:
There is no cost to replace your Alberta Health card. Call 310-0000 and when prompted, dial 780-427-1432 and answer the questions. Alberta Health will mail you a replacement card.
There is no cost to apply for an Indian Status Card (passport/status card). Applications require a birth certificate and a photo ID (originals only, photocopies are not permitted for these documents), and one other piece of government identification (such as an Alberta Health card or Social Insurance Card).